Your Guide to Navigating Traumatic Legal Issues with Calm, Clarity and Confidence (revised waiting fore review)

Moving from anxiety and overwhelm to Calm Strength can help you resolve your issues easier, faster, and often with better outcomes.

In my 30+ years as a licensed attorney, I’ve seen clients suffer from debilitating emotions and inability to deal effectively with attorneys and the legal system. I’ve developed a process to “tune up” my clients, helping them become more calm, focused, likable, persuasive and strong for their case.

Over time, I realized that everything was important when interviewing clients: their fears, frustrations, and the social, historical, and personal background of their drama. My clients needed to be fully heard and understood.

Incorporating meditation and emotional aspects into my work allowed me to help clients move forward effectively. This process not only makes clients feel heard and understood, but also moves cases toward resolution.

Note: This site offers legal coaching and education, not legal advice or services.

About Duane Light, JD

Duane Light is a pioneer in the field of law, bridging spiritual principles, emotional clearing, and practical legalities. This multi-pronged approach helps clients move from debilitating stress and overwhelm to empowered clarity and compassion.

Duane’s journey through trauma, including healing PTSD from an abusive and alcoholic family, has helped him cultivate peace, happiness, and the strength to practice law. His experience allows him to compassionately work with clients through similar struggles.

Duane has been a licensed California attorney for 30 years, practicing in civil law areas such as Wills and Trusts, Family issues, Injury/Insurance, Debt, Real Estate, Nonprofits, and Small Business.

He is also a certified Integrative Restoration (iRest) Teacher and Practitioner, helping clients clear trauma and function peacefully and effectively.

Duane has studied and practiced within a variety of spiritual disciplines, including esoteric Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Native American, and modern Western modalities, helping clients live their values even amid legal trauma.

How We Work Together

  1. Initial Session: 1 to 2 hours to explore your experience, feelings, thoughts, and long-term goals. We focus on your inner and outer worlds.
  2. Path Forward: Initial suggestions are offered, followed by further sessions as needed.
  3. Step by Step: We plan goals, timelines, and check-ins, working on practical, emotional, relational, and spiritual levels. We tailor the spiritual aspect to your beliefs and practices.
  4. Continued Work: We continue as needed, with some issues resolving quickly and others taking longer.

Sierra’s Story

“The work Duane did with me has changed my relationships with authority figures that used to intimidate me.”

Sierra was behind on IRS payments and feared an upcoming call with an IRS agent. Through a session with Duane, she meditated and saw the agent as a spiritual being in a difficult circumstance. She made the call, connected on a human level, and the agent wrote off her debt.

Years later, Sierra dealt with an insurance adjustor for an auto accident, seeking coverage for a new treatment. She befriended the agent, learned their daughter had a similar medical issue, and educated the agent about the procedure. The agent authorized coverage for Sierra and her daughter.

“The work Duane did with me changed my mindset and opened my heart to people I had feared.”

Private Coaching

  • Single sessions: $275/hr.
  • 4-session prepayment: $245/hr.
  • 12-session prepayment: $215/hr., with two monthly email questions and one 15-minute emergency session.

Finding and Hiring an Attorney: I can guide or research for you to find the best attorney at the lowest fee. This includes negotiating fees and avoiding overcharges, at $245/hr., with a one-hour minimum.

Book a No-Cost 30-Minute Empower Your Case Session

Discover how I can assist you during this introductory session. We'll use this time to learn more about each other and decide on our next steps together.